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Distrupol sells a range of materials for use in potable water applications.

These materials comply with the requirements of the Water Regulations Advisory Scheme (WRAS). WRAS develops criteria for testing materials and fittings to assess their compliance with the regulators’ specifications for approved products in accordance with the water regulations to determine the polymer’s effects on water quality, for both hot and cold water environments. 

Tests are carried out on the polymer to determine its toxicity, plus extraction tests in different aqueous environments to ascertain which chemicals, if any, may leach from the polymer. The tests not only identify any extracts from the polymer but their effects upon taste and taint and more importantly, any possible biodeterioration upon the human body and environment, caused by the polymer or extracts from it.

You can read more about the WRAS BS6920:2014 standard here.

For materials that are not WRAS listed, please contact Distrupol to discuss your application.

WRAS approved materials from Distrupol are:










To find the WRAS Approval Number for any of the above products please visit WRAS.


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