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EPDM (Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer) is a synthetic rubber made from ethylene, propylene, and diene monomer. It is commonly used in the automotive and construction industries.

Dutral® EPR is produced by a slurry polymerisation process, which allows the production of a wide variety of grades. The process does not require solvent and solvent recovery equipment, and in addition, the low viscosity of the suspension helps temperature control and product handling.

Monomers are highly soluble in the reaction bulk, therefore high molecular weight polymers can be produced advantageously. The polymerisation is carried out by proprietary Ziegler-Natta catalysts and the unreacted monomers are recovered in the stripping section. Eventually, the material is stabilised by antioxidants and then washed, dried, baled and packaged.

All families of the elastomers portfolio are available as Balance®, where the bio-attribution share can vary depending on the product. Bio Attribute, Bio-Circular Attribute and Circular Attributed polymers, manufactured with the same technology used for standard polymers but using monomers obtained from sustainable feedstocks managed according to Mass Balance approach, guarantee the same performances, quality, and properties of standard products, as they do not differ in chemical composition and molecular structure. BA, BCA and CA products are ISCC PLUS certified and are provided with a sustainability declaration reporting the percentage of Bio, Bio-Circular or Circular Attributed component.

Additional product information
Find out more by clicking the headings below to expand each section
Product range
  • Dutral® TER - Terpolymers
  • Dutral® PM – Polyolefin Modifiers
  • Dutral® OCP – Oil Modifiers
  • Dutral® BTX – Experimental grades with non-staining antioxidant
  • Excellent resistance to ozone and ageing, in both static and dynamic conditions
  • Good resistance to both high and low temperatures, from -55°C up to 150°C
  • Excellent dielectric properties (polymer dielectric constant at 20°C = 2.2)
  • Low density (polymer density = 0.86-0.88 g/cm3)
  • Low permanent set values
  • Outstanding and durable mechanical and elastic properties
  • Good resistance to a large amount of chemicals (organic and inorganic acids, alkalis, amines, phosphoric esters, hydraulic fluids, antifreeze liquids and brines, bleaching agents, biodegradable detergents)
  • Waterproof
  • Elasticity and flexibility
  • Range of hardnesses
Typical applications
  • Masking caps and solutions
  • PCB supports
  • Grommets
  • Clip-on profiles
  • Gaskets
  • O-rings
  • Roofing membranes
  • Waterproofing applications e.g. pond and pool liners
Product availability
  • UK & Ireland
Additional product information
Find out more by clicking the headings below to expand each section
Product range
  • Dutral® TER - Terpolymers
  • Dutral® PM – Polyolefin Modifiers
  • Dutral® OCP – Oil Modifiers
  • Dutral® BTX – Experimental grades with non-staining antioxidant
  • Excellent resistance to ozone and ageing, in both static and dynamic conditions
  • Good resistance to both high and low temperatures, from -55°C up to 150°C
  • Excellent dielectric properties (polymer dielectric constant at 20°C = 2.2)
  • Low density (polymer density = 0.86-0.88 g/cm3)
  • Low permanent set values
  • Outstanding and durable mechanical and elastic properties
  • Good resistance to a large amount of chemicals (organic and inorganic acids, alkalis, amines, phosphoric esters, hydraulic fluids, antifreeze liquids and brines, bleaching agents, biodegradable detergents)
  • Waterproof
  • Elasticity and flexibility
  • Range of hardnesses
Typical applications
  • Masking caps and solutions
  • PCB supports
  • Grommets
  • Clip-on profiles
  • Gaskets
  • O-rings
  • Roofing membranes
  • Waterproofing applications e.g. pond and pool liners
Product availability
  • UK & Ireland