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Below is a comprehensive list of abbreviations for common polymers:
Abbreviation | Chemical Name | Trade names |
ABAK | Acrylonitrile Butadiene Acrylate | |
ABA | Acrylonitrile Butadiene Acrylate | |
ABS | Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene | |
ABS / PVC | Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene / Polyvinyl Chloride | |
ABS + PUR | Blend of Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene and Polyurethane | |
ACS | Acrylonitrile Chlorinated Polyethylene Styrene | |
AES | Acrylonitrile Ethylene-Propylenediene Styrene | |
AMA | Acrylate Maleic Anhydride Terpolymer | |
AMMA | Acrylonitrile Methyl Methacrylate | |
APO | Amorphous Polyolefin | |
AS | Acrylonitrile Styrene | |
ASA | Acrylonitrile Styrene Acrylate | |
ASA + PC | Blend of Acrylonitrile Styrene Acrylate and Polycarbonate | |
BMC | Bulk Molding Compound | |
BMI | Bis Maleimide | |
BR | Butadiene Rubber | |
CA | Cellulose Acetat | |
CAB | Cellulose Acetate Butyrate | |
CAP | Cellulose Acetate Proprionate | |
CF | Cresole-Formaldehyde | |
CMC | Carboxylmethyl Cellulose | |
CN | Cellulose Nitrate (Celluloid) | |
COC | Cycloolefin Copolymer | |
COP | Copolyester Thermoplastic Elastomer | |
CP | Cellulose Propionate | |
CPE | Chlorinated Polyethylene | |
CPVC | Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride | |
CSF | Casein-Formaldehyde | |
CTA | Cellulose Triacetate | |
CTFE | Chlorotrifluoroethylene | |
DAP | Diallyl Phthallate (Thermoset) | |
EBA | Ethylene Butylacetate | |
ECTFE | Ethylene Chlorotrifluorethylene | |
EEAK | Ethylene Ethylacrylate | |
EMAA | Ethylene Methacrylic Acid Copolymer | |
EMA | Ethylene Methacrylic Acid | |
EP | Ethylene Propylene | |
ETFE | Ethylene Tetrafluoroethylene | |
EAA | Ethylene Acrylic Acid Copolymer | |
EC | Ethyl Cellulose | |
EMAC | Ethylene Methyl Acrylate Copolymer | |
EnBA | Ethylene n-Butyl Acetate | |
EPDM | Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer Rubber | |
EPM | Ethylene Propylene Copolymer Rubber | |
EPR | Ethylene Propylene Rubber | |
EPS | Expandable Polystyrene | |
ESBR | Emulsion-Styrene Butadiene Rubber | |
EVA | Ethylene Vinyl Acetate | |
EVOH | Ethylene Vinylalcohol | |
FEP | Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene | |
FF | Furan-Formaldehyde | |
FRP | Fibre Reinforced Plastic | |
GPPS | General Purpose Polystyrene | |
HDPE | High Density Polyethylene | |
HIPS | High Impact Polystyrene | |
HMC | High Strength Molding Compound | |
HMWHDPE | High Molecular Weight High Density Polyethylene | |
ION | Ionomer | |
IPN | Interpenetrating Polymer Network | |
LCP | Liquid Crystal Polymer | |
LDPE | Low Density Polyethylene | |
LLDPE | Linear Low Density Polyethylene | |
LPE | Linear Polyethylene | |
MA | Maleic Anhydride | |
MABS | Methylmethacrylate Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene | |
MBS | Methacrylate Butadiene Styrene | |
MC | Methyl Cellulose | |
MDPE | Medium Density Polyethylene | |
MF | Melamine Formaldehyde | |
MP | Melamine Phenolic | |
MPF | Melamine Phenol-Formaldehyde | |
NBR | Nitrile Butadiene Rubber | |
OSA | Olefin Modified Styrene Acrylonitrile | |
P | Phenolic | |
PA | Polyamide (Nylon) | |
PA / ABS | Polyamide / Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene | |
PA 11 | Polyamide 11 | |
PA 12 | Polyamide 12 | |
PA 46 | Polyamide 46 | |
PA 6 | Polyamide 6 | |
PA 6 / EVOH | Polyamide 6 / Ethylene Vinylalcohol | |
PA 6 / 12 | Polyamide 6 / Polyamide 12 | |
PA 6 / 66 | Polyamide 6 / Polyamide 66 | |
PA 6 / 69 | Polyamide 6 / Polyamide 69 | |
PA 6 / 6T | Polyamide 6 / Polyamide 6t | |
PA 610 | Polyamide 610 | |
PA 612 | Polyamide 612 | |
PA 6-3-T | Polytrimethylene Hexamethylene Terephthalamide | |
PA 66 | Polyamide 66 | |
PA 66 / 6 | Polyamide 66 / Polyamide 6 | |
PA 66 / 610 | Polyamide 66 / Polyamide 610 | |
PA 68 | Polyamide 68 | |
PA MXD6 | Polyxylylene Adipamide | |
PA + PPE | Blend of Polyamide and Polyphenylene Ether | |
PAA | Polyarylamide | |
PAA | Polyacetic Acid | |
PAEK | Polyacryletherketone | |
PAEK | Polyaryletherketone | |
PAI | Polyamide-Imide | |
PAK | Polyester Alkyd | |
PAL | Polyanaline | |
PAN | Polyacrylonitrile | |
PAR | Polyarylate | |
PARA | Polyaryl Amide | |
PAS | Polyarylsulfone | |
PASU | Polyarylsulfone | |
PB | Polubutylene | |
PBAK | Polybutylacrylate | |
PBAN | Polybutadiene Acrylonitrile | |
PBD | Polybutadine | |
PBI | Polybenzimidazole | |
PBN | Polybutylene Napthalate | |
PBS | Polybutadiene Styrene | |
PBT | Polybutylene Terephthalate | |
PBT + ASA | Blend of Polybutylene Terephthalate and Acrylonitrile Styrene Acrylate | |
PBT + PC | Blend of Polybutylene Terephthalate and Polycarbonate | |
PC | Polycarbonate | |
PC / PBT | Polycarbonate / Polybutylene Terephthalate | |
PC / PET | Polycarbonate / Polyethylene Terephthalate | |
PC / ABS | Polycarbonate / Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene Blend | |
PCL | Polycaprolactone | |
PCT | Polycyclohexylene Terephthallate | |
PCTFE | Polymonochlorotrifluoroethylene | |
PCT-G | Glycol Modified Polycyclohexyl Terephthallate | |
PDAP | Polydiallyl Phthalate | |
PDCPD | Polydicyclopentadiene | |
PE | Polyethylene | |
PEBA | Polyether Block Amide or Polyester Block Amide | |
PE-C | Chlorinated Polyethylene | |
PEE | Polyester Elastomer | |
PEEK | Polyetheretherketone | |
PEEKK | Polyetheretherketoneketone | |
PEEST | Polyetherester | |
PEI | Polyetherimide | |
PEK | Polyetherketone | |
PEKEKK | Polyetherketoneetherketoneketone | |
PEKK | Polyetherketoneketone | |
PE-(LL / VL) D | Linear Low-Density Polyethylene / Very Low-Density Polyethylene | |
PEN | Polyethylene Napthalene | |
PEO | Polyethylene Oxide | |
PEOX | Polyethyleneoxide | |
PES | Polyether Sulfone | |
PEST | Polyester | |
PESTUR | Polyesterurethane | |
PET | Polyethylene Terephthalate | |
PET-G | Glycol Modified Polyethylene Terephthalate | |
PEUR | Polyether Urethane | |
PE-X | Crosslinked Polyethylene | |
PF | Phenol-Formaldehyde | |
PFA | Perfluoro Alkoxy Alkene Polymer | |
PI | Polyimide Or Polyisoprene | |
PIB | Polyisobutylene | |
PIR | Polyisocyanurate | |
PK | Polyketone | |
PLA | Poly Lactic Acid | |
PMAN | Polymethactylonitrile | |
PMI | Polymethacrylimide | |
PMMA | Polymethylmethacrylate (Acrylic) | |
PMMI | Poly-N-Methyl Methacrylimide | |
PMP | Poly-4-Methylpentene-1 | |
PMS | Poly-Alpha-Methylstyrene | |
PO | Polyolefin | |
POM | Polyoxymethylene (Acetal) | |
PP | Polypropylene | |
PP + E / P | Blend of Polypropylene and Ethylene / Propylene | |
PP + EPDM | Blend of Polypropylene and Polyethylene-Popylenediene | |
PP + NBR | Blend of Polypropylene and Nitrile Butadiene Rubber | |
PPA | Polyphthalamide | |
PPC | Chlorinated Polypropylene or Polyphthalate Carbonate | |
PPE | Polyphenylene Ether | |
PPE + PA | Blend of Polyphenylene Ether and Polyamide | |
PPE + PS | Blend of Polyphenylene Ether and Polystyrene | |
PPE + SB | Blend of Polyphenylene Ether and Styrene Butadiene | |
PPI | Polymeric Polyisocyanate | |
PPO* | Polyphenylene Oxide | |
PPO* / PA | Polyphenylene Oxide / Polyamide | |
PPO* / PS | Polyphenylene Oxide / Polystyrene | |
PPOX | Polypropylene Oxide | |
PPS | Polyphenylene Sulfide | |
PPSU | Polyphenylene Sulfone | |
PPT | Polypropylene Terephthalate | |
PS | Polystyrene | |
PS / PPO | Polystyrene / Polyphenylene Oxide | |
PS + PE | Blend of Polystyrene and Polyethylene | |
PS-b-PI | Polystyrene/Polyisoprene Block Copolymer | |
PSO,PSU | Polysulfone | |
PTFE | Polytetrafluoroethylene | |
PTMT | Polytetramethylene Terephthalate | |
PU,PUR | Polyurethane | |
PUR-S | Polyurethane, Thermosetting | |
PUR-T | Polyurethane, Thermoplastic | |
PVA | Polyvinyl Alcohol (sometimes Polyvinyl Acetate) | |
PVAC | Polyvinyl Acetate | |
PVAL | Polyvinyl Alcohole | |
PVB | Polyvinyl Butyryl | |
PVC | Polyvinyl Chloride | |
PVC + ABS | Blend of Polyvinyl Chloride and Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene | |
PVCA | Polyvinyl Chloride Acetate | |
PVDA | Polyvinylidene Acetate | |
PVDC | Polyvinylidene Chloride | |
PVDF | Polyvinylidene Fluoride | |
PVF | Polyvinyl Fluoride | |
PVFM | Polyvinyl Formal | |
PVK | Polyvinyl Carbazole | |
PVOH | Polyvinyl Alcohol | |
PVP | Polyvinyl Pyrrolidone | |
SAN | Styrene Acrylonitrile | |
SBC | Styrene Butadiene Copolymer | |
SBL | Styrene Butadiene Latex | |
SBR | Styrene Butadiene Rubber | |
SBS | Styrene Butadiene Styrene Block Copolymer | |
SEBS | Styrene Ethylene Butylene Styrene Block Copolymer | |
SEP | Styrene Ethylene Propylene | |
SI | Silicone | |
SIS | Styrene Isoprene Styrene Block Copolymer | |
SMA | Styrene Maleic Anhydride Copolymer | |
SMC | Sheet Molding Compound | |
SMMA | Styrene Methyl Methacrylate | |
SMS | Styrene A-Methyl Styrene | |
SP | Saturated Polyester | |
SSBR | Solution Styrene Butadiene Rubber | |
SVA | Styrene Vinyl Acrylonitrile | |
TEO | Thermoplastic Elastic Olefin | |
TMC | Thick Molding Compound | |
TPE | Thermoplastic Elastomer | |
TPC-ET | Thermoplastic Elastomer | |
TPE-O, TPO | Thermoplastic Elastomer, Olefinic | |
TPE-S | Thermoplastic Elastomer, Styrenic | |
TPR | Thermoplastic Rubber | |
TPU | Thermoplastic Urethane | |
TPV | Thermoplastic Vulcanites | |
UF | Urea Formaldehylde | |
UHMWPE | Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene | |
ULDPE | Ultra Low Density Polyethylene | |
UP, UPE | Unsaturated Polyester (Thermoset) | |
VA | Vinyl Acetate | |
VAE | Vinyl Acetate Ethylene | |
VC / MMA | Vinylchloride / Methyl Methacrylate | |
VC / A | Vinylchloride / Acetate | |
VC / E | Vinylchloride / Ethylene | |
VC / E / MAK | Vinylchloride / Ethylene / Methylacrylate | |
VC / E / VAC | Vinylchloride / Ethylene / Vinylacrylate | |
VC / MAK | Vinylchloride / Methylacrylate | |
VC / OAK | Vinylchloride / Octylacrylate | |
VC / VAC | Vinylchloride / Vinylacetate | |
VC / VDC | Vinylchloride / Vinylidene Chloride | |
VLDPE | Very Low Density Polyethylene | |
XLPE | Crosslinkable Polyethylene |
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