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Distrupol operates a systematic approach to its business and its Quality Management System (QMS), with the key element consistently being customer focus and continuous improvement.

With this in mind, the Quality Department, together with the Technical and Commercial teams, work with individual customers to meet requirements specific to their QMS, which owing to the diversity of our customer base, often goes beyond the scope of the ISO 9001 standard.

Management Systems


ISO 9001:2015 certification. Distributors of thermoplastics, speciality plastic films and moulders sundries, plus compounder of thermoplastics. Read our Quality Policy here.

Health and Safety 

Distrupol understands the importance of the health and safety of its employees, its customers and others. Our commitment to health and safety systems and ongoing improvement is extensive. Read our Health and Safety Policy here.


Distrupol is committed to ensuring its activities have minimal effects on the environment. Read our Environmental Policy here. Find out more about our approach to sutainability here.

Distrupol ensures that its environmental impact is reduced by complying with packaging and waste regulations both domestically and internationally in the active regions that we operate in. We liase with the relevant environmental agencies to reduce the amount of packaging waste that ends up in landfill. Our commitment to the environment is demonstrated as per below:

Distrupol is committed to supporting our customers and partners with product stewardship and specific requests concerning environmental and sustainability policies and procedures. Please email us at [email protected] for more information.

Site Audit

Distrupol are happy for any customer to carry out an internal review of our systems if an appointment is made with our Quality Department.

Click on a link for more information:

Regulatory Compliance

REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals) is one of the most significant pieces of legislation to operate in Europe.

It affects not only the chemical industry, but also all users of chemicals, meaning that a very large part of Europe’s industry and retail businesses are impacted by these regulations.

By helping to define the rules, we are uniquely placed to monitor, advise and manage REACH compliance for our customers.

We are in permanent consultation with our suppliers regarding joint support for the products we will deliver under REACH. Our goal is for the majority of products we distribute to be carried through the REACH registration process. We will guide our customers at each step, in close partnership with our suppliers, to ensure that compliance with REACH can be managed effectively and smoothly.

By ensuring that our customers only receives the relevant REACH information, Distrupol is able to help customers through the REACH process with minimum disruption throughout the supply chain.

Compliance with UK REACH

Compliance with EU REACH (EC 1907/2006)

ECHAs candidate list – SVHCs

Candidate List of SVHC for Authorisation

Position Statement for Distrupol

View our UK & EU REACH Position Statement here.

Distrupol will support our customers with the supply of REACH documentation, as well as helping you to cater to product or legislation specific regulatory requests. Please email us at [email protected]


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