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Chemical Resistance

The list below is a rough guide on the behaviour of some plastics’ resistance to chemicals at room temperature.

Plastic can be resistant to some chemicals, but may not be if it’s immersed in each of them one after the other or as a mixture. Temperatures, concentration, time, ESCR, mechanical load and moulded-in stress should also all be taken into consideration.

R = Recommended

Q = Questionable

NR = Not recommended

- = No data

This information should only be considered as a basis for discussion and not as a guarantee. Materials and products must be tested as close as possible to the exact intended service conditions to determine their suitability for a particular purpose.

Acetic Acid (100%) NR NR NR Q R R
Acetone R R - - R R
Alcohol (All Types) R R - - R R
Ammonia (10%) R R - - R R
Benzene R R R Q R R
Brake Fluid R R R Q R R
Carbon Dioxide R R R R R R
Carbon Disulfide Q Q Q Q Q Q
Chloracetic Acid (50%) NR NR NR NR R -
Chlorine Gas NR NR NR NR NR NR
Chlorine Water max .5ppm R R Q Q R -
Chlorobenzene R R NR NR NR NR
Chloroform R R NR NR NR NR
Chromic Acid - 50% NR NR NR NR R R
Citric Acid R R R R R R
Cresol (Metacreosol) Q NR NR NR R -
Cyclohexane R R R R NR NR
Detergents R R R R R R
Ethyl Acetate R R NR Q R Q
Ethyl Ether R R R R NR NR
Ethylene Glycol R R R R R R
Formaldehyde (37%) R R R Q R R
Formic Acid NR NR R NR R R
Fuel Oil R R R R R R
Gasoline R R R R Q Q
Glucose R R R R R R
Glycerol R R R R R R
Heptane R R R R NR NR
Hexane R R R R R NR
Hydrochloric Acid (20%) NR NR Q Q R R
Hydrofluoric Acid (35%) NR NR NR NR R R
Hydrogen Fluoride (Anhydrous) NR NR NR NR R -
Hydrogen Peroxide (30%) NR NR R Q R R
Hydrogen Sulphide R R R R R R
Iodine (Wet) - NR - - NR -
Isoctane R R R R R -
Kerosene (Jet Fuel) R R R R R Q
Lactic Acid (80%) R NR Q R R R
Lead Acetate R R - - R R
Lubricating Oil R R R R R R
Mercuric Chloride R NR - - R R
Methyl Chloride R R - - NR NR
Methylene Chloride R NR NR NR R NR
Methyl Ethyl Ketone R R NR Q R NR
Mineral Oil R R R R R R
Mineral Spirits R R R R R -
Motor Oil R R R R R R
Naphtha R R R R R NR
Nitric Acid (30%) NR NR NR NR R R
Nitric Acid (50%) NR NR NR NR R R
Nitric Acid (Fuming) NR NR NR NR NR -
Nitrobenzene R NR R NR R NR
Nitrous Acid NR NR NR NR NR -
Nitrous Oxide (dry) NR NR R - R -
Oils Vegetable R R R R R R
Oleic Acid R R R R R R
Oxalic Acid (50%) NR NR R - R R
Ozone, ppm range R R R R NR R
Palmitic Acid R R R R R -
Perchloric Acid (10%) NR NR NR NR R R
Perchloric Acid (70%) NR NR Q - R R
Perchloroethylene R R Q NR NR -
Phenol (10%) Q NR NR NR R -
Phosphoric Acid (30%) NR NR Q - R R
Plating Solutions:            
      Brass Q - - - R R
      Cadmium Q R - - R R
      Chrome Q R - - R -
      Copper Q R - - R R
      Gold Q R - - R R
      Lead Q R - - R R
      Nickel Q R - - R R
      Rhodium Q R - - R R
      Silver Q R - - R R
      Tin Q R - - R R
      Zinc NR NR - - R R
Phtalic Acid R R R Q R R
Polyvinyl Acetate R R R - R -
Silver Nitrate NR R - - R R
Sulfamic Acid (20%) NR NR - - R -
Sulfur Chloride NR NR - - NR -
Sulfur Dioxide NR R - Q R -
Sulfuric Acid (60%) NR NR NR NR R R
Tetrahydrofuran R R R Q - NR
Toluene R R R Q Q NR
Tributyl Phosphate R R - - R -
Trichloroacetic Acid NR NR NR NR R -
Trichloroethylene R R NR NR NR NR
Turpentine R R R - R NR
Urea R R R - R R
Vinegar NR NR R R R R
White Spirit R R R - R NR
Zinc Chloride/Sulfate NR NR R R R R


Disclaimer: Please note that any material or technical recommendations made, are purely suggestions, and do not amount to a final specification. It is up to you (the customer) to test/prototype the suggestions made, and prove suitability for your application.


Chemical Resistance

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